Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

Like all of mankind, I am a beauty-seeker. And yet, so often, I forget to look for it – until a moment, a flash, a segment of beauty strikes me full force and I must stop and take it in.

Tonight I was readying for bed by the crib of my youngest. I glanced over at her in true motherly form – just to be sure she was alright – and was suddenly transfixed. Transfixed by her beauty. Oh, I am sure to many other mothers she is no more beautiful than the next baby – though I happen to think she is an exceptionally beautiful baby indeed.

But there she lay, and I stopped and whispered, “That is beauty.”

I am glad I stopped and saw the beauty of that moment. Tiny little girl all scrunched up in pink with her little ruffled bottom up and her fat, fluffy-pink-clad knees tucked under and her dimpled little arms tucked under her tummy...fuzzy little head with the perpetual cow-lick turned away from me with just some chubby velvet cheeks visible...little back rising and falling gently. Sheer peace – pure beauty.

My mommy heart pattered and I was thankful for the sublime beauty that is a sleeping baby. She is beautiful when she is awake, but she is astonishingly perfect when she is sleeping. Feather eyelashes draping over rosy cheeks...suck, suck, suck at the pacifier...little button nose breathing...little fontanel pulsing...beautiful and alive and sweet and sleeping.

Yes, I thought to myself...she is a beautiful child.

Even if she does often demonstrate the characteristics of a screaming banshee. Really...the shrieking of earlier today aside...I paused to soak up the moment and remembered that God makes them so cute when they are sleeping so that we will have a chance to forget about those screaming-banshee moments.

In the midst of the next screaming-banshee moment, I hope I remember to remember this moment of simple beauty.

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