We've had some interesting comments from Rosie today, all trending slightly towards the gross side. I mean, it happens when you're a parent. Those little details you never thought about when daydreaming about parenthood. Yep. You hear things you never...really...thought of...hearing. I'll give you the three best samples from the day:
1. Rosie, this morning at breakfast: "I want prunes. I wanna poop."
And I had no idea that she was so well educated in prunes', uh, usefulness.
2. Rosie, when getting up from her nap: "Help, Mommy! I got boogers on my watch!"
And yes, she did, and no, it wasn't pretty. I won't give any more details. It was not my favorite clean-up job of all time, I can tell you that. Wait. Do I have a favorite clean-up job of all time??? I'll have to get back to you on that one.
3. Rosie, while I was, um, cleaning up her watch: "Look, Mommy! I got hairs in my foot!"
What I thought I heard at first was, "Look, Mommy! I got hairy foot!" which would have been even more interesting. I think this was her way of suggesting that perhaps my next cleaning job should be vacuuming the carpets. I'll take it under advisement, kiddo. ;)
*Edit: Moments after originally posting this, Piper apparently decided to get in on the action, too. So she came up to me and pulled a big wad of hairs out of her mouth and graciously handed it to me. I don't even know where I am anymore, I'm so confused. I just vacuumed in here!! ;)
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